Cap Rock Telephone, a locally owned and operated cooperative, is your total communications solutions provider.
Today, Cap Rock Telephone Cooperative owns and operates 16 exchanges in 12 counties. Cap Rock Telephone’s infrastructure includes over 1,850 miles of fiber optic cable and 1,500 miles of copper cable to provide service to subscribers. Cap Rock Telephone serves exchanges located in Afton, Dickens, Dry Lake, Flomot, Girard, Hackmont, Jayton, Matador, Paducah, Peacock, Quitaque, Roaring Springs, Spur, Turkey, Verbena, and White River. Cap Rock’s service area encompasses approximately 5000 square miles of the rolling plains. This vast area is located within a triangle framed by Lubbock, Abilene, and Wichita Falls.
Cap Rock has been a voice provider since 1952. In addition to this service, we offer Long Distance and Broadband Internet to both residential and commercial customers within our service area. As the Carrier of Last Resort (COLR), we have met the voice needs of many customers in remote, hard-to-reach areas. Since broadband is a distance-sensitive technology, we are diligently working to improve the speeds offered by installing fiber-to-the-home. We currently provide speeds up to 500/100 Mbps to customers within our communities, which accounts for more than 96% of our customer base. We use fiber to provide broadband services. Cap Rock connects members to the world through advanced communications.
Contact Us
Cap Rock Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
121 East Third Street
P.O. Box 300
Spur Texas 79370
Phone number: 806-271-3336